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    Welcome to zwangerenportaal.nl

    Gepubliceerd op: 5-29-2020Bewerkt op: 5-29-2020
    ZP® - Magazine Gepubliceerd op: 5-29-2020Bewerkt op: 5-29-2020
    Geschreven door: ZP® - Magazine
    Welcome to zwangerenportaal.nl! Together with your healthcare provider, we will unburden you as much as possible during your pregnancy, so that you can enjoy this special time even more.

    You can find everything about the development of you and your baby in one place on zwangerenportaal.nl, very convenient. During your pregnancy, but also afterwards, we will provide you with information, tips and we will be an important link between you and your healthcare provider. Discover what zwangerenportaal.nl can offer you during this beautiful time.


    Based on the due date, you will receive a weekly email with relevant information about the current week of your pregnancy. This way you will know exactly what is going on with you & your baby that particular week.

    Appointment reminder

    You will receive an appointment reminder by email prior to each appointment. This prevents you from accidentally missing appointments and examinations.

    Sharing your file

    You and your midwife will have access to your medical records at zwangerenportaal.nl. To ensure your and your baby’s health, it is possible that your record is shared with other healthcare providers.

    We are here for you at every stage

    Zwangerenportaal.nl is your source of information not only during your pregnancy, but also after giving birth or when you want to become pregnant again.

    Feedback or questions?

    Let us know, so we can continue to optimize our services. We would like to receive all questions, tips and feedback about zwangerenportaal.nl. If you have any medical questions, always contact your healthcare provider.

    Security & privacy

    The strength of zwangerenportaal.nl is the ability to share information about your pregnancy between you and your healthcare provider. This is sensitive information, where privacy and security are of great importance. At zwangerenportaal.nl, your privacy is our priority and your data are safe. Zwangerenportaal.nl is NEN 7510: 2017 certified and acts according to the AVG.

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