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    High blood pressure

    Gepubliceerd op: 2-27-2019Bewerkt op: 8-2-2019
    ZP® - English Gepubliceerd op: 2-27-2019Bewerkt op: 8-2-2019
    Geschreven door: ZP® - English
    Your blood pressure is measured during each pregnancy checkup. The pregnancy is an extra burden on your body and this can sometimes become too much. Too much pressure on your body can express itself in high blood pressure or the development of (mild) preeclampsia.

    This is often accompanied by a number of symptoms. If you are experiencing one or more of the symptoms below, contact your obstetrician:

    • fluid retention, major weight increase
    • pressure around the head and/or the belly
    • nausea/frequent vomiting
    • problems concentrating
    • headache/seeing black spots
    • pain in the upper abdomen or under the chest
    • pain in the upper back or between the shoulder blades
    • tingling (in the fingers)

    It’s important to immediately report these symptoms to your obstetricians so they can further examine you. If you have high blood pressure or (symptoms of) preeclampsia, you will be referred to a gynecologist. He or she will examine you further and discuss the next steps with you.

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