Did you know that…
- zwangerenportaal.nl is the only online platform in the Netherlands where you can view your own medical records for free and in a safe environment?
- more than 250 midwife practices are affiliated with zwangerenportaal.nl?
- more than 80,000 (expectant) parents use zwangerenportaal.nl every year?
- zwangerenportaal.nl is NEN7510 certified and the security and privacy of your data are guaranteed?
- We, together with you and your midwife, contribute to the quality of care and also save costs?
Feedback or questions?
Let us know, so we can continue to optimize our services. We would like to receive all questions, tips and feedback about zwangerenportaal.nl. If you have any medical questions, always contact your healthcare provider.
Privacy and security
The strength of zwangerenportaal.nl is the ability to share information about your pregnancy between you and your healthcare provider. This is sensitive information, where privacy and security are of great importance. At zwangerenportaal.nl, your privacy is our priority and your data are safe. Zwangerenportaal.nl is NEN 7510: 2017 certified and acts according to the AVG.